Wormwood leaf oil


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Chinese name Wormwood leaf oil

English name absinthe oil/wormwood oil

product type Natural flavor

alias Wormwood oil

CAS 8008-93-3

appearance It has characteristic astringent and spicy taste and dark green liquid

aroma Bitter taste and aroma

Utilization site Whole grass

Specific gravity 20 ℃ 0.918~0.943

acid value < five point six

Ester value 15~37

Solubility Easy 90% ethanol

Main components Platyclone, carylene, junipine, pinene, laurene, caryophyllene, myrrhene, terpenes

content Platycladus orientalis ketone 30 ~ 45%, Platycladus orientalis alcohol 14%, Platycladus orientalis ester 15%

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