Piper eggplant oil


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Chinese name Piper eggplant oil

English name cubeba oil

alias Mountain pepper oil, wood ginger oil, monkey fragrant seed oil, bean drum ginger oil, mountain black camphor oil, horse camphor oil, stinky camphor oil, mountain flower seed oil, mountain ginger oil, fragrant leaf oil

product type Natural flavor

CAS 68855-99-2

character Pale yellow clear liquid

aroma Fresh and sweet fruit aroma, citral smell, but not as good as lemon grass oil, strong aroma, not very long

Utilization site fruit

Specific gravity 25 ℃ 0.8909~0.9068

Refractive index 20 ℃ 1.4800~1.4900

Optical rotation 25 ℃ + About 4.2 °

Solubility Soluble in 75% ethanol

Main components Citral, methyl heptanone, citronellal

content Citral 70% ~ 85%

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